Monday, December 24, 2007

Prime Minister Inducted in the Broadcaster Hall of Fame

The new Hall of Famers representing the Gospel Announcers Guild included

(standing, L to R):

Lady Donna Creer - National 2nd Vice President Gospel Announcers Guild

Dennis Cole - President of The Chicago Area Gospel Announcers Guild

Ed Stephens -President of The Virginia Gospel Announcers Guild

Prof. Reggie Miles -Vice President of The Chicago Area Gospel Announcers Guild

Lydia Goodin -President of The Florida Gospel Announcers Guild.

(Seated L-R):

Frank Walton -President of The Seattle Gospel Announcers Guild

Bro. Steve - President of The California Gospel Announcers Guild

Toby Young -President of The Harrisburg Gospel Announcers Guild

Chuck Spearman -President of The Missouri Gospel Announcers Guild, and

John Phillips - National Sergeant-at-Arms, Gospel Announcers Guild (Not shown)The Broadcasters Hall o
Sunday November 4, 2007 these members of the Gospel Music Workshop of America were inducted in the Broadcasters Hall of Fame. I am very proud to be a member of this fine Group.

Reflections - 2007

As I reflect on the year, three songs come to my mind that best describe the journey "Joy and Pain," Yet Praise Him and I Won't Complain.

I have a new resolve to connect with family. During a meeting of the Chicago Area Gospel Announcers Guild, it was not a coincidence that conformation came from our guest speaker Donald Lawrence, that now is the time for all God fearer men to come to aide of family. And family means more than just those related by blood.

The world is still as the Temptations sang many years ago a "Ball of Confusion." In my own part, I will add less to the mess. In 2008, its time to be great. My goal is to liive where God gets the Glory from my Life.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Look Who Came Along While I was Gone !!!

It's been a while since my last post but in the coming days I'll be updating this weblog. All I can say at this point that 2007 has been a wonderful year. This year has been capped by the birth of my beautiful gift from God a baby girl whom my wife named Morgan. She has been a wonderful addition to my life and I am forever changed.