The new Hall of Famers representing the Gospel Announcers Guild included
(standing, L to R):
Lady Donna Creer - National 2nd Vice President Gospel Announcers Guild
Dennis Cole - President of The Chicago Area Gospel Announcers Guild
Ed Stephens -President of The Virginia Gospel Announcers Guild
Prof. Reggie Miles -Vice President of The Chicago Area Gospel Announcers Guild
Lydia Goodin -President of The Florida Gospel Announcers Guild.
(Seated L-R):
Frank Walton -President of The Seattle Gospel Announcers Guild
Bro. Steve - President of The California Gospel Announcers Guild
Toby Young -President of The Harrisburg Gospel Announcers Guild
Chuck Spearman -President of The Missouri Gospel Announcers Guild, and
John Phillips - National Sergeant-at-Arms, Gospel Announcers Guild (Not shown)The Broadcasters Hall oSunday November 4, 2007 these members of the Gospel Music Workshop of America were inducted in the Broadcasters Hall of Fame. I am very proud to be a member of this fine Group.