Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year !!!

I am thankful for the "new beginning." In the words of Albertina Walker, I'm Still Here!

Oh to be great in 2008, that is the motto with a focus on family. Not only the immediate family but the family at work, in organizations, and the students I teach.

Someone told me a while ago don't be afraid to speak, for you have something to say. You've been blessed. The time is now that I open my mouth through words in cyberspace.

Look forward to some interesting things with two exceptions "religion and politics." And I won't elaborate on the reason why. Anyway it's not important.

On the horizon is my research which has lead me to discover the importance of the Chicago School of Gospel and the early pioneers whose shoulders the genre stands upon today. There were a lot of people who will be forgotten if their participation and the history is not preserved.

Learning to become a storyteller is a journey and I find myself practicing by writing the story of my family to be told to my children and other relatives.

Today, I realize how important it is to share the memories of family. Those memories will keep the family alive and moving forward as FAMILY.


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