On Friday Morning,
Tony, as he was affectionately called was a member of Visions, a Gospel Announcer, writer, FBI Intelligence Analyst, veteran, son, father, and husband died May 21. He was 49 years old.
The homegoing celebration for Tony was held at Valley Kingdom Ministries with Bishop Joseph A. McCargo from Laurel, Maryland Officiating. Bishop McCargo set the tone for a decent and orderly service for Anthony Harper whom he described as a “Great Man.” Pastor Willie James Campbell added to the wonderful characterization of Tony Harper and led a prayer like only he can encouraging the family to live and comforting wife Rose with “Don’t Worry,” canceling whatever the enemy meant for harm. The spirit made its way “In This Place.”
Friend and colleague Cedric Ford lead Visions in a stirring musical selection “In This Place” as the casket of Anthony Harper was being closed. Those moments brought tears to the eyes of the Prime Minister as I watched Rose Harper, say goodbye to her beloved husband with a gentle touch and kiss then Rose stood at the casket supporting the entire family. One could not help to feel for Rose in this time of bereavement but my heart broke witnessing Anthony‘s mother say goodbye to her son.
Among the
Pastor Hannah broke the sadness and stiffness in the sanctuary with laughter jokingly saying as he approached the podium to speak, "Let's give a hand to the Funeral Director" referring to Deacon Cole. Folks in the sanctuary were applauding before Pastor Hannah told them Deacon Cole is not a Funeral Director. After a few other personal remarks Pastor Hannah proceeded to bring the word. "Why does a bad thing happen to good people," He asked? Then he broke down the story of Job in his unique and powerful way and concluded his brilliant exhortation with "where are my worshipers at"? The exhortation made everyone in the sanctuary stop, think and applaud.
Shekinah Glory took the stage and moved the service deeper in the spirit with “Fall on Me” followed by remarks from friends and co-workers including two US Marines veterans, members of the Lindbloom Alumni Association, Apostle Kevin Dean and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent in Charge Robert Grant. Everyone spoke highly of Deacon Anthony Harper.
Tony’s best friend Pastor William A. Spann who happens to be Rose’s brother said “Tony was my best friend before he met my sister” then reflected on their relationship and sang To God Be the Glory which brought the crowd again to its feet. Bishop Larry Trotter followed representing the ministers and encouraged everyone that what’s to come is better than what’s been.
Rest in peace my brother, though you are not with us in body. I rest that you are in the presence of the Lord. Thanks for being a friend.
Respectfully Submitted
Reggie Miles – The Prime Minister.
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